This image displays the black and white Yin Yang symbol, a central concept in Taoist philosophy that illustrates the balance and harmony between opposing forces. The Yin Yang represents the interconnectedness of light and dark, masculine and feminine, and creation and destruction. It teaches that these forces are not in conflict but rather complement each other, creating a dynamic equilibrium that governs all aspects of life. This minimalist design captures the timeless essence of the Yin Yang symbol, reminding us of the importance of balance in the universe.

A black and white Yin Yang symbol representing the balance of opposites, including light and dark, masculine and feminine, and the harmony of the universe in Taoist philosophy.
“Black and white Yin Yang symbol representing the balance of opposing forces and the harmony of duality in Taoist philosophy.”

The Resonance of Creation: A Call to Understand and Protect Universal Truth

“To Define truth : is the thing that has lasted the test of time.”

In the Beginning, there was only the void, a space of infinite potential, waiting to be birthed. From this nothingness came the spark of existence—a singular thought that echoed through the void, bringing forth light and the first breath of consciousness. This moment was the birth of all that is, and with it came the blueprint of creation—a framework that would resonate through everything. The universe is not a random occurrence; it is an unfolding of divine design, intricately woven into the Seed of Life, the Seven Universal Laws, and the eternal principle of oneness. This framework is the very foundation of existence, the key that unlocks the mysteries of life itself.

But this key is not just a metaphor. It is the truth upon which reality stands. These universal laws—polarity, correspondence, vibration, rhythm, gender, cause and effect, and mentalism—are the filters through which truth must be sought. They are echoed in every aspect of existence, from the stars in the sky to the atoms that make up our being. If you are not using these principles to examine the world, then you are not truly seeking the truth. For to deny these laws is to deny the very foundation of reality itself.

The Challenge to Disprove the Universal Principles

I challenge you: try to disprove these principles. Search for flaws in the laws that govern existence. Try to find a crack in the architecture of the universe that operates by these laws. But know this: if you cannot find a way to unravel them, then you must accept their unshakable truth. These principles are not just beliefs—they are the very fabric of the cosmos. If one could disprove them, it would mean the crumbling of the universe itself. But to this day, they remain unchallenged, consistent through every facet of life, creation, and consciousness.

However, there are forces at work, forces with many names—legion, trans humanism, marxism, socialism, and many more—that seek to unweave the very fabric of reality. These forces operate by trying to dismantle the foundational laws, to disrupt the natural order of existence, to rewrite the blueprint that governs life. They attempt to undermine the divine design, to substitute it with structures that reject the fundamental truth of oneness and harmony. They want to reprogram what was perfectly designed, and they do so by attacking the principles that have governed existence since the beginning.

This challenge to universal laws is not new. This story, these teachings, have echoed throughout the ages, in every corner of existence that we know and in every corner of existence we have forgotten. They are etched into the very DNA of life, passed down from the beginning, through generations and eons. The wisdom of the Seven Universal Laws is woven into our beings, as much a part of us as the air we breathe and the earth we walk upon.

A Story Written in DNA, Written in History

These teachings are not only echoed in sacred texts and ancient philosophies but also encoded in our DNA—the very blueprint of life itself. The rhythm of creation pulses through every living thing. It is the song of existence that we have forgotten but that lies dormant within every cell of our bodies. It’s the truth that has always been there, waiting for us to awaken to it.

The attempts to unweave this truth are attempts to unweave us—our essence, our connection to the divine, our understanding of ourselves as part of the whole. The forces that seek to tear apart the Seed of Life, to destroy the balance of the universal laws, do so to keep us fragmented, disconnected, and blind to the truth. But the truth cannot be destroyed. It can be buried, it can be denied, but it cannot be eradicated. It is the essence of existence itself. 

I always had a question. It was that what we were doing in this reality, we were doing to ourselves. I wondered why humanity is so bent on destroying ourselves. “It must be some self loathing, but why?” It now seems very apparent to me after finding my aim and working hard to   building a relationship with creator. If you were able to be tricked away from the only thing that has any meaning to existence….Wouldn’t you find it difficult to look at yourself in the mirror. Wouldn’t you find it difficult to look at your shadow, as constant reminder to your choice.

Why the Universal Principles Matter

The principles of creation—the Seven Universal Laws—are not just abstract ideas. They are the keys to understanding life, growth, consciousness, and the harmony that binds all things together. They offer a framework for how we should view ourselves and the world. Without them, we are lost, disconnected from the very fabric of the universe. If these laws were ever to be successfully unraveled, everything would fall apart. This is why it is integral to use these principles as lenses to examine the world—because through them, we find the consistency of truth.

If you are seeking truth, you must look through these lenses. Anything that does not align with these principles will ultimately crumble, for it is not built on the foundation of existence. These laws have stood the test of time. They are the framework through which reality has been birthed and through which reality continues to evolve. As the Law of One teaches, all things are interconnected, all is one, and these laws are the reflections of that oneness.

The Forces that Challenge Truth

But understand this: there are dark forces at work (the chaos, darkness or storm at sea) —forces that have many names, forces that have woven themselves into the fabric of our societies, our beliefs, and our worldviews. These forces—whether they come in the form of trans-humanism, Marxism, socialism, or other ideologies—seek to disrupt the natural balance, to sever us from the unity of the universe. They seek to implant false truths, to rewrite the laws of existence, to replace the divine order with something artificial, disconnected, and fragmented.

These forces may offer promises of progress, of liberation, or of a new world, but they do so by attempting to erase the fundamental truths that govern life. They attempt to dismantle the divine blueprint, to unravel the wisdom that has been passed down through time and encoded in our very DNA. They offer not freedom but bondage, for without the laws that hold the universe together, we are bound to chaos, disconnection, and suffering. Its the Joker to Batman. It is not and I would like to repeat not a sense of right or wrong. Since we have lost the lenses of truth for so long we are no where near ready to judge right from wrong. Instead it is the yin and yang. Its opposing forces that creates the symphony of life. NO one can honestly say Joker is bad and Batman is good. If you believe it then you are the fool without the lenses to see. If you could see then you wouldn’t be a fool. Ignorant to truth.

A Call to Remember

This story has been told in every culture, in every corner of existence, in every ancient text. It is a story written in the stars, in the Earth, in the atoms, and in our very souls. The Seed of Life is a universal symbol, one that represents the interconnectedness of all things. It is a reminder that we are all part of the same divine creation, bound by the same laws, united by the same truth.

If we are to find our way back to the truth, we must remember these principles. We must remember that everything is connected, that every action has an effect, that every cycle follows a rhythm, that every form of life contains both masculine and feminine energy, and that everything starts with thought. These are the filters through which we must view existence, and anything that cannot hold up under their scrutiny must be discarded.

This is the beginning, the foundation of everything we know. It is the truth of existence, and it cannot be disproved. If you seek truth, it must align with these principles. If it does not, it is not truth—it is deception. And to protect this truth is to protect the very fabric of existence itself.

By challenging the forces that attempt to unravel these principles, you stand as a guardian of truth. The universe itself echoes the call to remember and uphold the laws that have held it together since the beginning of time. And in doing so, you align yourself with the harmony of creation, with the oneness that binds all things. This is the story of chaos and order. Good and Bad. Right and wrong, left and right. You know its true because once you are aware. You can see it consistently everywhere and in everything. There’s more to this majestic story but everything starts here. I want everyone to know that like Neo in the matrix. All the things you deem stressful or anxiety driven can stop with a single thought, word or pronunciation. NO.

I challenge everyone to follow me on this journey and you will be amazed by the miracles that exist in our everyday, seemingly boring existence on earth. Step into the infinite game of life. Where you can be anything you choose. Perhaps the new world order will start with a Golden age. Thats the cause and effect I want to put into the world. If enough of us believe it then theres no reason for it not to be so. 

Most of all I challenge all of us to prove these laws wrong. I’m not certain I’m right but its the hardest truth that I’ve found that resonates with me. If I’m wrong then I would like to know. I’m not really stuck on any ideas. I just want to know the truth. 

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